
English Subject Pronouns

Caucasian man with toddler learning how to ride bike

The subject in a sentence is the entity (person, thing, object or place) that is doing something. When a pronoun (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they) takes the place of a subject in a sentence, it becomes a subject pronoun.

CORE Languages English Subject Pronouns

I (subject) am driving a car (object).
I (subject) am calling him (object pronoun).
We (subject) are going to see them (object pronoun).
She (subject) will message you (object pronoun).

Additional subject pronouns include: who, whoever, everybody, everyone, many, some, someone, and somebody. This is not a complete list, but covers most of the subject pronouns you will encounter.

Subject pronouns that rename the subject in the predicate occur after the verb “to be.”


Phone caller: Hello. Can I please speak with Anne?
Anne: This is she

It is I who am sorry for the mess.

Note that in the first example, “this” is a stand-in for “she” (Anne). In the second example, the “I” comes after “is” because that is the conjugated form of “to be” for “it”; however, “am” occurs after “who” because verbs after that particular pronoun must match the pronoun (“I”) being referred to.

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