
French The Verb “to have”

In order to be successful, you have to keep working

Avoir means ‘to have’ in French. It is important to know how to use avoir as it is the second most common verb in French. It’s useful to be able to talk about what you have or don’t have.

Below is a table that shows how to conjugate the verb to have,or avoir.

J’aiI have
Tu asYou have (informal, singular)
Il/Elle/On aHe/She/One has
Nous avonsWe have
Vous avezYou have (formal and/or plural)
Ils/Elles ontThey have

What to know about avoir:

  • Like êtreavoir is an irregular verb and is one of the most common verbs used in French.
  • You’ll notice in the first person singular conjugation of avoir that the « e » in the subject pronoun « Je » is missing. Je is connected to the conjugation ai by an apostrophe. This is because two vowels (two vowel sounds) are placed back to back.

What is a liason?

A liaison is the connection of sounds between a word that ends in a consonant and the following word that begins with a vowel. The connecting sound oftentimes, and with these examples specifically, is a “z” sound.

Nous avons – [newz ah-von]

Vous avez – [vooz ah-vay]

Ils/Elles ont – [il/el zon]

Avoir means ‘to have’ in French. It is important to know how to use avoir as it is the second most common verb in French. It’s useful to be able to talk about what you have or don’t have. It is important to know how to use avoir as it is the second most common verb in French. It’s useful to be able to talk about what you have or don’t have.‎ Avoir is an irregular verb. Regular verbs follow the same pattern, but irregular verbs don’t.

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