
German Possessive Articles and Adjectives

How you like my style. Cool and handsome stylish young man with beard in trendy yellow jacket over

In German, it’s important to know possessive adjectives: important words like my, your, his, her, its, our, and their. Whether you’re referring to a pet, a car, a snack, or whatever … start using more descriptive words to show belonging…

Possessive adjectives (also called possessive articles) show possession. In English, these are: mine, your, his, her, its, our, your (“y’all’s”), and their. These pronouns have endings that match those of the indefinite/negative articles (altogether known as “ein” words), as shown in the tables below.


CORE Languages German Possessive Articles and Adjectives


CORE Languages German Possessive Articles and Adjectives


CORE Languages German Possessive Articles and Adjectives


CORE Languages German Possessive Articles and Adjectives
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