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Elementary German Grammar Topics

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  1. German-Superlative
    4 Topics
  2. German-The Comparative
    4 Topics
  3. German-Directional Adverbs
    4 Topics
  4. German-Reflexive Verbs in the Dative
    4 Topics
  5. German-Subordinating Conjunctions
    4 Topics
  6. German-Review of the Simple Past
    4 Topics
  7. German-Future Perfect Tense
    4 Topics
  8. German-Modal Verbs in the Preterit
    4 Topics
  9. German-Da Compounds
    4 Topics
  10. German-Wo Compounds
    4 Topics
  11. German-Reflexive Verbs in the Accusative
    4 Topics
  12. German-Genitive Case Prepositions
    6 Topics
  13. German-Konjunktiv II Modal Verbs
    4 Topics
  14. German-Konjunktiv II Present Tense
    3 Topics
  15. German-Genitive Case Overview
    7 Topics
  16. German-Past Perfect Tense
    6 Topics
  17. German-Adverbs of Time and Frequency
    4 Topics
  18. German-Adverbs of Place
    4 Topics
  19. German-Prepositions of Place
    4 Topics
  20. German-Weak Adjective Endings
  21. German-Strong Adjective Endings
  22. German-Transition Words
  23. German-Conjunctions and Word Order
  24. German-Review of Cases
  25. German-Was für ein vs Welch
  26. German-Indirect questions
  27. German-Indefinite Pronouns
Lesson 9, Topic 4
In Progress

Listening Exercise-German Da Compounds

Stephen Sovenyhazy April 15, 2024
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

Listen to the audio and try to answer the following questions.


1. What da-compounds were used and what are they referring to?
2. When is he going on vacation?
3. Where is he going and how is he going to get there. 
4. What will he do once he is there?
5. When is he packing and why?


1. darauf (to going on vacation), darauf (to being late), darüber (about the Colosseum) . “damit” in this case is used as a conjunction (so that)
2. He is going on vacation on Saturday.
3. He is going to Rome by train.
4. He will go and see the Colosseum.
5. He is packing on Friday night so that he has more time Saturday morning.


Am Samstag fahre ich in den Urlaub. Ich freue mich schon sehr darauf. Am Freitagabend werde ich meinen Koffer packen, damit ich am Samstagmorgen mehr Zeit habe. Ich will nicht zu spät kommen und meinen Zug verpassen. Darauf habe ich keine Lust. Ich fahre nach Rom und werde das Kolloseum besichtigen. Darüber habe ich schon viel gelesen.


der Urlaub – the vacation
verpassen – to miss
Lust haben – to feel like something
besichtigen – to view, to tour