
Aprende Inglés Word of the Day: Customer Service

  • Aprende Inglés Word of the Day: Customer Service

    Posted by Alex on September 19, 2024 at 4:03 PM

    CORE Languages Aprende inglés

    English Word of the Day: Customer Service

    Definition: Customer Service is the help and support that a company provides to its customers before, during, and after they buy or use its products or services.

    Example Sentence in English: “The customer service at this store is excellent, they always solve my problems quickly and kindly.”
    Example Sentence in Spanish: “El servicio al cliente en esta tienda es excelente, siempre resuelven mis problemas rápidamente y amablemente.”

    ¡Que tengas un buen día y sigas mejorando tu inglés! Comparte este ‘English Word of the Day’ con otros y vuelve mañana para más.

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