
Chinese Word of the Day: 风险 (fēngxiǎn)

  • Chinese Word of the Day: 风险 (fēngxiǎn)

    Posted by Alex on September 14, 2024 at 3:10 PM

    CORE Languages Chinese Study Group

    🎊 Chinese Word of the Day: 风险 (fēngxiǎn)

    Definition: Risk, Hazard

    风险 (fēngxiǎn) is a compound of two words “风” meaning wind and “险” meaning dangerous, indicating a situation of uncertainty or potential harm. It is generally used to communicate risks or potential dangers in a situation, especially in business or finance.

    💬 Example Sentence:
    (Wǒmen yīnggāi xiángxì pínggū zhè xiàng tóuzī de fēngxiǎn.)
    “We should thoroughly assess the risks of this investment.”

    This is today’s word of the day, keep practicing, and soon you’ll see less 风险 in your Chinese language journey! 📚🏮💡

    Alex replied 4 days, 9 hours ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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