
Chinese Word of the Day: 政策 (zhèngcè)

  • Chinese Word of the Day: 政策 (zhèngcè)

    Posted by Alex on September 11, 2024 at 3:09 PM

    CORE Languages Chinese Study Group

    🌟 Chinese Word of the Day: 政策 (zhèngcè)

    Definition: Policy (usually related to government or organizational)

    This term is composed of two words 政 (zhèng), which means ‘government’, and 策 (cè), which means ‘plan’ or ‘strategy’. Combined, these two characters bring forth the concept of a planned strategy or system.

    Example Sentence:
    (Wǒguó zhèngfǔ tuīchūle xīn de jiàoyù zhèngcè.)
    Our government has launched a new education policy.

    Try incorporating this word into your Chinese vocabulary and practice its application in various sentences. Stay tuned for more Word of the Day posts!

    Alex replied 4 days, 20 hours ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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