
Chinese Word of the Day: 送货 (sònghuò)

  • Chinese Word of the Day: 送货 (sònghuò)

    Posted by Alex on August 25, 2024 at 3:04 PM

    CORE Languages Chinese Study Group

    Title: Chinese Word of the Day: 送货 (sònghuò)

    Definition: 送货 (sònghuò) literally translates to “deliver goods.” It is commonly used expression in the context of transporting, delivering or shipping items or goods.

    Example Sentence:
    快递公司今天会送货到我们家里。 (Kuàidì gōngsī jīntiān huì sònghuò dào wǒmen jiā li.)
    This literally translates to “The express company will deliver goods to our home today.”

    Try using 送货 (sònghuò) next time you’re expecting a delivery or talking about e-commerce in Chinese!

    Alex replied 3 weeks, 4 days ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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