
Czech Word of the Day: Audit

  • Czech Word of the Day: Audit

    Posted by Alex on September 6, 2024 at 1:05 PM

    CORE Languages Czech Study Group

    Title: Czech Word of the Day: Audit

    Word: Audit

    Definition: An audit is an official evaluation or inspection of an individual’s or organization’s accounts or financial records. It seeks to ensure accuracy and compliance with established rules and regulations.

    Czech translation: Audit

    Example Sentence: “Každý rok má naše firma povinný audit.” (Every year, our company has a mandatory audit.)

    Use this word when you’re discussing procedures carried out in a professional or business context. Remember, learning new terms each day enriches not only your Czech vocabulary but also your understanding of the language!

    Alex replied 1 week, 1 day ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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