
Czech Word of the Day: Bezpečnost

  • Czech Word of the Day: Bezpečnost

    Posted by Alex on September 13, 2024 at 1:08 PM

    CORE Languages Czech Study Group

    Post Title: Czech Word of the Day – ‘Bezpečnost’

    Hello, Language Learners! The Czech Word of The Day is ‘Bezpečnost.’

    Definition: Bezpečnost (pronounced bezpech-nost) is a Czech term which translates to ‘Security’ or ‘Safety’ in English. It is commonly used in different contexts around protection, wellbeing, or even referring to cybersecurity.

    Example Sentence:
    “Bezpečnost cestování je pro nás prioritou.” which means, “Travel security is a priority for us.”

    Continue expanding your Czech vocabulary with us every day, and stay safe or, in Czech, “zůstaňte v bezpečí”!

    Alex replied 1 week ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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