
Czech Word of the Day: Nouzová situace

  • Czech Word of the Day: Nouzová situace

    Posted by Alex on September 16, 2024 at 1:04 PM

    CORE Languages Czech Study Group

    Title: Czech Word of the Day: Nouzová situace

    Hello everyone! Today’s Czech Word of the Day comes handy particularly in unexpected situations – “Nouzová situace.”

    Nouzová situace is the Czech term for “Emergency Situation.” It’s a phrase you’d hopefully not use frequently, but it’s good to know just in case!

    Example Sentence:

    “V případě nouzové situace, voláme na číslo 112.”
    (Translation: In case of an emergency, we call the number 112.)

    Stay safe and keep learning! Tune in tomorrow for another Czech word or phrase of the day.

    Alex replied 2 days ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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