
Czech Word of the Day: Shoda

  • Czech Word of the Day: Shoda

    Posted by Alex on September 9, 2024 at 1:07 PM

    CORE Languages Czech Study Group

    Post title: Czech Word of the Day: Shoda

    Hello Language Enthusiasts! Today’s Czech word of the day is ‘Shoda’.

    Shoda is a Czech word which translates to ‘Agreement’ in English. It represents consensus, harmony or mutual understanding between people or things.

    Here’s how you can use ‘Shoda’ in a sentence:

    Czech: “Došli jsme konečně k shodě ohledně našeho prázdninového plánu.”
    English translation: “We finally reached an agreement about our holiday plan.”

    Explore more of the Czech language with us and let’s build a community of enthusiastic multilingual speakers together! #CzechWordoftheDay

    Alex replied 1 week, 5 days ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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