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  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    CORE Languages English Study Group

    🔆 English Word of the Day: Retirement

    Definition: Retirement is the act of leaving one’s job and ceasing to work after reaching a certain age, often with a pension.

    Part of Speech: Noun

    Example Sentence: After 40 years of dedication and hard work, Mr. Johnson finally enjoyed his well-deserved retirement. His colleagues organized a grand…

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  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    CORE Languages English Study Group

    🌟English Word of the Day🌟

    Resignation (noun)

    Resignation is the act of quitting or giving up one’s position or role, usually in a formal or official setting. It can also refer to an acceptance of a situation or condition, even if it is not desirable.

    Example Sentence:
    “Following the controversy, the CEO expressed his…

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  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    CORE Languages English Study Group

    🌟Word of the Day: Termination

    Part of speech: Noun

    Definition: The act of ending something or the point at which something ends.

    Example sentence: The termination of the contract marked the end of our business relationship.

    Join us again tomorrow for another ‘Word of the Day’ that can help in enhancing your English vocabulary!

  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    CORE Languages English Study Group

    📚English Word of the Day: Demotion

    Definition: A reduction in rank or status, usually accompanied by a decrease in pay or responsibility.

    Part of Speech: Noun

    Example: After consistently failing to meet his sales targets, Robert faced a demotion at work.

    Join us again tomorrow to continue expanding your English vocabulary!

  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    CORE Languages English Study Group

    **English Word of the Day: Promotion**

    **Part of Speech:** Noun

    **Definition:** A promotion refers to the act of raising someone to a higher or more important position or rank, often within a company or organization.

    **Example Sentence:** After working diligently for five years, Steve finally received a well-deserved promotion to Manager.

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