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  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    CORE Languages English Study Group

    🌟 English Word of the Day 🌟

    Word: Overtime

    Part of Speech: Noun

    Definition: The time that someone works at their job beyond their normal working hours. Overtime often refers to the additional hours and is usually subject to higher pay than regular hours.

    Example sentence: “Rita had to work overtime this week to finish the project before…

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  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    CORE Languages English Study Group

    **Word of the Day: Wage**

    **Part of Speech**: Noun

    **Definition**: The amount of money that a person earns for doing a job, usually measured per hour, day, week, or month.

    **Example Sentence**: “The company offers a competitive wage and good opportunities for career development.”

  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    CORE Languages English Study Group

    **English Word of the Day: Salary**

    **Definition:** A regular payment made by an employer to an employee, typically paid on a monthly or biweekly basis but often expressed as an annual sum.

    **Part of Speech:** Noun

    **Example Sentence:** “As a teacher, my salary may not be high, but the reward of educating young minds is priceless.”

  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    CORE Languages English Study Group

    **English Word of the Day: Compensation**

    **Part of Speech:** noun

    **Definition:** Compensation refers to something, usually money, awarded to someone in recognition for loss, suffering, or injury. It can also imply the action or process of making up for a lack or deficiency.

    **Example Sentence:** After the accident, the company offered…

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  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    CORE Languages English Study Group

    🌟English Word of the Day: Benefits

    Definition: ➡️ Benefits are advantages or profits that are gained from something.

    Part of Speech: ➡️ Noun (plural)

    Example Sentence: ➡️ “The benefits of regular exercise include weight control, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and improved mental health and mood.”

    Keep learning, and stay…

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