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  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
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    CORE Languages French Study Group

    🇫🇷 French Word of the Day: Ordre du jour

    📝 Definition: It translates to ‘agenda’ in English. It refers to the list of items to be discussed or done at a meeting or event.

    🔍 Example Sentence:
    – Nous devons discuter de l’ordre du jour pour la réunion de demain.
    (We need to discuss the agenda for tomorrow’s meeting.)

    Start using this word…

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  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
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    CORE Languages French Study Group

    Bonjour à tous!

    🇫🇷 French Word of the Day: Calendrier 🇫🇷

    Definition: A calendrier is a term used for a ‘calendar’ in French. It’s the planner you use to schedule and track your days, weeks, and months.

    For example: “J’ai un nouvel évènement à ajouter à mon calendrier.”
    Translation: “I have a new event to add to my calendar.”


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  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    CORE Languages French Study Group

    🇫🇷French Word of the Day:

    💡 Base de données

    Un ensemble organisé d’informations stockées de manière électronique que l’on peut facilement accéder, gérer et mettre à jour. Similaire à une ‘database’ en anglais.

    Example Sentence:
    “Les informaticiens doivent souvent travailler avec des bases de données complexes pour…

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  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    CORE Languages French Study Group

    🌟French Word of the Day: “Tableur”

    Definition: “Tableur” is the French word for ‘spreadsheet,’ a tool used commonly in computing for organization and analysis of data.

    Example: “J’utilise un tableur pour organiser mes dépenses mensuelles.” – I use a spreadsheet to organize my monthly expenses.

  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    CORE Languages French Study Group

    🌟 French Word of the Day: Données 🌟

    Definition: Données, a feminine plural noun, translates to “data” in English. It is used to refer to facts or information, especially when computed or analyzed.

    Example Sentence:
    – Nous avons recueilli des données importantes pour notre projet de recherche.
    (We have collected important data for our…

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