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  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
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    CORE Languages French Study Group

    Title: French Word of the Day: Gestion

    Good day, language learners! Our French Word of the Day is “Gestion.” This word can be translated as “management” in English. But the beauty of ‘Gestion’ goes beyond this simple translation. It often refers to the administration of business or organizational activities, such as resource…

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    Pascal Vaucheret
  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
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    CORE Languages French Study Group

    **French Word of the Day: Leadership**

    **Leadership** translates into “leadership” in English.

    Definition: Le fait d’être en charge, de diriger un groupe, ayant l’influence pour motiver les autres à réaliser des tâches et des objectifs.

    Example Sentence:
    “L’entreprise a réussi grâce au **leadership** impressionnant de son directeur…

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    Pascal Vaucheret
  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
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    CORE Languages French Study Group

    Title: French Word of the Day: Motivation

    Bonjour, language enthusiasts! Today’s French Word of the Day is ‘Motivation.’

    ‘Motivation’ in French is identical to the English word, and it carries the same meaning. It is defined as the keenness or eagerness that drives a person to accomplish a task, goal, or objective.

    Motivation =…

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    Pascal Vaucheret
  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
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    CORE Languages French Study Group

    🇫🇷 French Word of the Day: “Fixation des objectifs”

    Definition: Setting goals. This phrase is used in personal or professional context to describe the act of establishing what you want to achieve.

    Example Sentence: “La première étape de tout projet réussi est la fixation des objectifs clairs et atteignables.” (The first step of any successful…

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    Pascal Vaucheret
  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    CORE Languages French Study Group

    Bonjour à tous! Today’s ‘French Word of the Day’ is ‘Bilan’.

    Bilan is a French term which is commonly used to describe a ‘summary’ or ‘assessment’. In a business context, it can also mean ‘balance sheet’.

    Here is an example sentence: “À la fin de la réunion, nous ferons un bilan de nos progrès.” It means, “At the end of the meeting, we will…

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