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  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
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    CORE Languages French Study Group

    🌟 French Word of the Day: Revue

    Revue (feminine noun) means a magazine. It comes from the verb ‘revoir’ which means ‘to view again’ or ‘to review’, but in this context, it is used to refer to a publication that covers a particular subject or area of study.

    Example in a sentence:

    “J’ai acheté une revue sur la photographie pour améliorer mes…

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  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
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    CORE Languages French Study Group

    🌟 French Word of the Day: Évaluation

    Definition: Évaluation roughly translates to ‘assessment’ or ‘evaluation’. It is primarily used in educational or professional fields to denote the process of assessing or evaluating someone’s work or performance.

    Example in a Sentence:
    “Après l’évaluation de votre travail, nous vous donnerons des…

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  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
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    CORE Languages French Study Group

    🇫🇷 French Word of the Day 🇫🇷

    Word: Incitation

    Definition: Encouragement or stimulation to do something. It can also mean provocation in some contexts.

    For example:
    “Le professeur offre une incitation pour finir les devoirs à l’avance.”
    (Translation: The professor offers an incentive to finish the homework early.)

  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    CORE Languages French Study Group

    🇫🇷 French Word of the Day: ‘Prime’

    Definition: Prime (pronounced pree-m) means “bonus” in English. It can describe an additional sum of money given for doing a certain job or task.

    Example in French: “Mon employeur m’a donné une prime pour avoir terminé le projet en avance” which means, “My employer gave me a bonus for finishing the project…

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  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    CORE Languages French Study Group

    Title: French Word of the Day: “Heures supplémentaires”

    Hello dear language learners! Our French word of the day is “Heures supplémentaires.”

    “Heures supplémentaires” literally translates to “additional hours” in English. It is commonly used to express “overtime”, to describe the extra hours of work done beyond the standard…

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