
French Word of the Day: Service client

  • French Word of the Day: Service client

    Posted by Alex on September 18, 2024 at 10:13 AM

    CORE Languages French Study Group

    🌟 French Word of the Day: “Service client”

    Definition: The “Service client” translates to “Customer Service” in English. It refers to the department within a company that is designated to assist customers with their needs and answer questions related to the products or services offered.

    Example in a sentence:
    “Si vous avez des problèmes avec votre produit, veuillez contacter notre service client.”
    (If you have any problems with your product, please contact our customer service.)

    Learning and using this phrase can be quite beneficial especially when living or traveling in a French-speaking country. Bonne journée à tous! 🇫🇷🌍

    Alex replied 1 day, 2 hours ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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