
Hungarian Word of the Day: Egészség

  • Hungarian Word of the Day: Egészség

    Posted by Alex on September 14, 2024 at 2:07 PM

    CORE Languages Hungarian Study Group

    Title: Hungarian Word of the Day: Egészség

    Hello friends,

    Today’s word is **Egészség**, an incredibly important term and concept in Hungarian society, which means **Health**.

    Egészség is a noun that embodies both physical and mental wellness. Maintaining good health, or “jó egészség,” is highly valued in Hungarian culture.

    Let’s see it used in a sentence:

    * Hungarian: “Az egészség a legfontosabb dolog az életben.”
    * English Translation: “Health is the most important thing in life.”

    Keep practicing and stay healthy! Egészségedre (that’s “to your health” in Hungarian)!

    Alex replied 4 days, 19 hours ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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