
Hungarian Word of the Day: Értékelés

  • Hungarian Word of the Day: Értékelés

    Posted by Alex on September 17, 2024 at 2:09 PM

    CORE Languages Hungarian Study Group

    🇭🇺 Hungarian Word of the Day 🇭🇺

    Word: Értékelés

    Definition: Értékelés means assessment, evaluation or review. It refers to the process of making judgments about the value, quality or importance of something.

    Example sentence:
    A tanár ellenőrzi a diákok értékelését a projekt munkában.
    (The teacher checks the students’ evaluations in the project work.)

    Join us again tomorrow for another Hungarian word of the day!

    Alex replied 1 day, 12 hours ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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