
Hungarian Word of the Day: Gyártás

  • Hungarian Word of the Day: Gyártás

    Posted by Alex on September 21, 2024 at 2:11 PM

    CORE Languages Hungarian Study Group

    **Hungarian Word of the Day: Gyártás**

    Gyártás – The process of manufacturing or producing goods, usually on a large scale.

    **Example Sentence:**
    „Az autógyárban nagy szerepet játszik a gyártási folyamatok automatizálása.”

    (Translation: “In the car factory, the automation of the manufacturing processes plays a significant role.”)

    Expand your vocabulary with our daily word posts and improve your Hungarian fluency step by step! 🗣️📚

    #HungarianWordOfTheDay #Gyártás #LanguageLearning #HungarianVocabulary

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