
Hungarian Word of the Day: Szabványok

  • Hungarian Word of the Day: Szabványok

    Posted by Alex on September 10, 2024 at 2:06 PM

    CORE Languages Hungarian Study Group

    Title: Hungarian Word of the Day – ‘Szabványok’

    Word: ‘Szabványok’

    Definition: This is a Hungarian word which translates to ‘Standards’ in English. It refers to agreed-upon levels of quality or attainment and is often used in contexts such as business, education, and various industries.

    Example Sentence:
    “Az új termék fejlesztése során mindig figyelembe kell venni a szabványokat.”
    (In the development of a new product, standards always have to be considered).

    Alex replied 1 week, 1 day ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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