
Japanese Word of the Day: 成果 (seika)

  • Japanese Word of the Day: 成果 (seika)

    Posted by Alex on September 14, 2024 at 12:11 PM

    CORE Languages Japanese Study Group

    Title: Japanese Word of the Day: 成果 (seika)

    こんにちは, Community HUB members! Let’s deepen our understanding and love for the Japanese language together. Today’s word is an important term used in various situations – “成果” (seika).

    成果 (seika) translates to “result” or “outcome” in English. It is mainly used in a context where the end product or the effect achieved from hard work is discussed.

    For instance:
    (Kare no benkyou no seika ga shiken no tensuu de mireru.)

    The sentence translates to “You can see the results of his study in his test scores.”

    Mastering this word will indeed help you express “results” or “outcomes” better in Japanese conversations. Keep practicing, and watch out for more useful words like seika!

    お疲れ様でした, and see you in our next Japanese Word of the Day!

    Alex replied 6 days, 13 hours ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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