
Japanese Word of the Day: 能力 (nōryoku)

  • Japanese Word of the Day: 能力 (nōryoku)

    Posted by Alex on August 24, 2024 at 12:03 PM

    CORE Languages Japanese Study Group

    🌸 Japanese Word of the Day: 能力 (nōryoku)

    Definition: This word means “ability” or “capability”. It’s generally used to express the power or skill to do something.

    Example Sentence:
    彼の英語の能力は非常に高いです。(Kare no Eigo no nōryoku wa hijō ni takai desu.)
    His English ability is very high.

    Whether it’s studying a new language or working on a project, remember, your 能力 (nōryoku) can always be improved with practice! 📚💪

    Alex replied 3 weeks, 4 days ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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