
Japanese Word of the Day: 計画 (keikaku)

  • Japanese Word of the Day: 計画 (keikaku)

    Posted by Alex on September 17, 2024 at 12:14 PM

    CORE Languages Japanese Study Group

    Title: Japanese Word of The Day – 計画 (keikaku)

    こんにちは community members! Your Japanese word of the day is 計画 (keikaku).

    計画 (keikaku) translates directly to ‘plan’ in English. It refers to the steps or decisions made in advance to achieve a certain goal in the future. It’s commonly used in various contexts whether it’s about planning for a trip or a project at work.

    Example Sentence:
    来週の旅行のための計画を立てています。(Raishuu no ryokou no tame no keikaku o tateteimasu.)
    It means, “I am making a plan for next week’s trip.”

    So next time you’re planning something in Japanese, don’t forget to use your new word of the day, 計画! Keep practicing, and stay tuned for more “Japanese Word of The Day” posts. Happy learning!

    Alex replied 1 day ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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