
Construction Spanish Word of the Day: Carretilla

  • Construction Spanish Word of the Day: Carretilla

    Posted by Alex on September 13, 2024 at 5:10 PM

    CORE Languages Spanish for the Job Site

    🔨 Spanish Word of the Day: Carretilla

    Definition: It translates to ‘Wheelbarrow’. This is a small vehicle usually with just one wheel, designed to be pushed and guided by a single person using two handles at the rear, or by a motor. It’s often used in construction for carrying small loads.

    Example in Spanish:
    “Podrías llenar la carretilla con ladrillos y llevarlos al otro lado de la obra.”
    (You could fill the wheelbarrow with bricks and take them to the other side of the construction site.)

    Alex replied 5 days, 4 hours ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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