
Construction Spanish Word of the Day: Compresor

  • Construction Spanish Word of the Day: Compresor

    Posted by Alex on August 23, 2024 at 5:02 PM

    CORE Languages Spanish for the Job Site

    Spanish Word of the Day: “Compresor”

    Definition: A compresor is an important tool in construction work, well known to English speakers as an “air compressor”. It’s a device that converts power (using an electric motor, diesel or gasoline engine) into potential energy stored in pressurized air, and is highly beneficial for powering different types of pneumatic tools.

    Example sentence in Spanish: “Necesitamos un compresor más potente para manejar todas estas herramientas neumáticas.”

    Translation: “We need a more powerful compressor to handle all these pneumatic tools.”

    Remember, knowing specific words related to your field of work makes communication more efficient. Keep following for more construction related Spanish words!

    Alex replied 3 weeks, 5 days ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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