
Construction Spanish Word of the Day: Llana

  • Construction Spanish Word of the Day: Llana

    Posted by Alex on September 11, 2024 at 5:09 PM

    CORE Languages Spanish for the Job Site

    🔧🔨Hola everyone! ¡Bienvenidos to our ‘Spanish Word of the Day’!

    🇪🇸 Today’s word is: “Llana”

    ‘LLana’ is Spanish for ‘Trowel’. It’s a tool used by construction workers to spread and smooth materials such as concrete, mortar, or plaster.

    Let’s see it in action! An example sentence in Spanish would be:

    “Por favor, pásame la llana para alisar el hormigón.”

    This translates to: “Please, pass me the trowel to smooth the concrete.”

    Got it? ¡Buen trabajo! Keep practicing and we’ll introduce a new construction-related word tomorrow!

    Alex replied 1 week ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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