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  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
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    CORE Languages Spanish Study Group

    🌟 Spanish Word of the Day 🌟


    Definition: It means ‘review’ or ‘revision’. It’s used to describe the act of checking or examining something with the goal of finding possible changes, errors, or updates that need to be made.

    Example Sentence:
    Voy a hacer una revisión de mi trabajo antes de enviárselo al profesor.
    (I am going to review…

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  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    CORE Languages Spanish Study Group

    🌟 Spanish Word of the Day 🌟

    🇪🇸 Plazo 🇪🇸

    Plazo refers to a fixed amount of time in which something is to be achieved or completed. It’s commonly used in reference to deadlines, payments, or other time-related terms.

    Example Sentence:
    “El plazo para entregar el trabajo es el viernes a las cinco de la tarde.”
    (The deadline to…

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  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    CORE Languages Spanish Study Group

    🌟 Spanish Word of the Day: “Tarea”

    Definition: “Tarea” is a Spanish noun that means “Task” or “Homework”. It is often used in school settings but can also be applied to general tasks.

    Example Sentence:
    Mi profesora me dio mucha tarea para este fin de semana. (My teacher gave me a lot of homework for this weekend.)

    Keep practicing and…

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  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    CORE Languages Spanish Study Group

    🌟 Spanish Word of the Day: Proyecto

    Definición Fácil: Un plan o idea que se está desarrollando, usualmente en un contexto de trabajo o estudio. Puede ser de cualquier tamaño, desde pequeños hasta grandes.

    Por ejemplo:
    “Mi hermano está trabajando en un nuevo proyecto para su empresa que podría tener grandes beneficios económicos.”

  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    CORE Languages Spanish Study Group

    🎉 Spanish Word of the Day: “Presentación”

    “Presentación” can be translated to “presentation” in English. It refers to the act of presenting something, typically referring to an explanation or demonstration broadcast or delivered before an audience.

    Example Sentence:
    “Estoy preparando mi presentación para la reunión de mañana.”…

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