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  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
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    CORE Languages Spanish Study Group

    📚 Spanish Word of the Day: “Colega”

    Definition: Colega is a Spanish noun that translates to “colleague” in English. It refers to a person with whom one works, especially in a profession or business.

    Example Sentence: “Mi colega y yo estamos trabajando en un proyecto importante.” (My colleague and I are working on an important project.)…

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  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    CORE Languages Spanish Study Group

    🔆 Spanish Word of the Day: Jefe/a

    Definition: Jefe (male) or Jefa (female) translates to ‘boss’ or ‘manager’ in English. It can also denote a person who is in charge or in control, be it in an office environment or at home.

    Example Sentence:
    El jefe de la oficina está en una reunión hoy.
    (Translation: The boss of the office is in a meeting…

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  • CORE Languages Point 8196 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    CORE Languages Spanish Study Group

    ¡Hola a todos! Bienvenidos a nuestra publicación ‘Palabra del Día en Español’.

    La palabra de hoy es: Empleado/a

    En español, “Empleado/a” se refiere a una persona que trabaja para un empleador, normalmente a cambio de un salario.

    Por ejemplo, puedes decir: “Mi padre es empleado en una gran empresa”. Que significa “My father is an employee at…

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  • Profile photo of Alex

    Alex posted an update in the group Group logo of Spanish Study GroupSpanish Study Group 3 months ago

    3 months ago

    CORE Languages Point 7992 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    It’s 8:00 AM! Time for the word of the day!

    ¡Hola amigos! Today’s Spanish Word of the Day is “abrazo”, which means “hug” in English. It is a masculine noun.

    Example sentence: Mi abuela siempre me da un abrazo fuerte cuando la veo. (My grandmother always gives me a big hug when she sees me.)

    ¡Que tengan un día lleno de abrazos y amor! (Have a…

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  • Profile photo of Alex

    Alex posted an update in the group Group logo of Spanish Study GroupSpanish Study Group 3 months ago

    3 months ago

    CORE Languages Point 7992 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    It’s 8:00 AM! Time for the word of the day!

    ¡Buenos días! Today’s Spanish word of the day is “amistad”, which means “friendship” in English. It is a noun.

    Example sentence: La amistad verdadera es difícil de encontrar, pero cuando la encuentras, es algo hermoso. (True friendship is hard to find, but when you do, it is something…

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