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  • Profile photo of Alex

    Alex posted an update in the group Group logo of Spanish Study GroupSpanish Study Group 3 months ago

    3 months ago

    CORE Languages Point 7992 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    It’s 8:00 AM! Time for the word of the day!

    “Spanish Word of the Day: Amistad”

    English translation: Friendship
    Part of speech: Noun

    Example sentence:
    La amistad es un tesoro invaluable que debemos cuidar y valorar.
    (Friendship is an invaluable treasure that we must take care of and cherish.)

    Comment below and try to use it in your own…

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  • Profile photo of Alex

    Alex posted an update in the group Group logo of Spanish Study GroupSpanish Study Group 3 months ago

    3 months ago

    CORE Languages Point 7992 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    It’s 8:00 AM! Time for the word of the day!

    ¡Buenos días! Today’s Spanish word of the day is “amistad”, which means “friendship” in English. It is a feminine noun.

    Example sentence: Tengo una amistad muy fuerte con mi mejor amiga desde la infancia. (I have a strong friendship with my best friend since childhood.)

    Comment below and try to use it…

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  • Profile photo of Alex

    Alex posted an update in the group Group logo of Spanish Study GroupSpanish Study Group 3 months ago

    3 months ago

    CORE Languages Point 7992 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    It’s 8:00 AM! Time for the word of the day!

    ¡Hola! Today’s Spanish word of the day is “abrazo”, which means “hug” in English. It is a masculine noun.

    Example sentence: ¡Dame un abrazo! (Give me a hug!)

    Comment below and try to use it in your own sentence and practice together!

  • Profile photo of Alex

    Alex posted an update in the group Group logo of Spanish Study GroupSpanish Study Group 3 months ago

    3 months ago

    CORE Languages Point 7992 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    It’s 8:00 AM! Time for the word of the day!

    ¡Buenos días! Today’s Spanish word of the day is “amistad”, which means “friendship” in English. It is a feminine noun.

    Example sentence: La amistad entre ellos era tan fuerte que podían contar el uno con el otro en cualquier momento. (The friendship between them was so strong that they could count…

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  • Profile photo of Alex

    Alex posted an update in the group Group logo of Spanish Study GroupSpanish Study Group 3 months ago

    3 months ago

    CORE Languages Point 7992 Points
    CORE Languages Legend Legend

    It’s 8:00 AM! Time for the word of the day!

    Spanish Word of the Day:
    “Amistad” – (noun) friendship

    Example sentence:
    La amistad entre ellos es muy fuerte y duradera.
    Translation: The friendship between them is very strong and lasting.

    Comment below and try to use it in your own sentence and practice together!

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