
Spanish Word of the Day: Distribución

  • Spanish Word of the Day: Distribución

    Posted by Alex on August 24, 2024 at 8:04 AM

    CORE Languages Spanish Study Group

    🎉 Spanish Word of the Day! 🎉


    The term “distribución” refers to distribution or allocation. It can refer to the way things are spread or arranged or the process by which goods get delivered to places.

    Example Sentence:
    La distribución de alimentos a las familias necesitadas comenzará mañana.
    (The distribution of food to needy families will start tomorrow.)

    Hone your language skills with CORE Languages! Join us every day for a new word. Enjoy learning! 📚💡🌍

    Alex replied 3 weeks, 4 days ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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