
Spanish Word of the Day: Legal

  • Spanish Word of the Day: Legal

    Posted by Alex on September 8, 2024 at 8:07 AM

    CORE Languages Spanish Study Group

    Title: Spanish Word of the Day!


    Hola a todos, our Spanish word for the day is “Legal”. Despite its similarities with the English word ‘legal’, it actually represents a different meaning in Spanish.

    Definición: Legal in Spanish is used as an adjective to mean ‘Cool’ or ‘Great’ in an informal conversation. It is an exceptionally versatile term and is widely used in various Spanish-speaking regions.

    Por ejemplo:
    “La fiesta anoche fue muy legal” – The party last night was very cool.

    So the next time you find something cool or great, don’t forget to use “legal”. Keep practicing and expand your Spanish vocabulary! Hasta luego!

    Alex replied 1 week, 3 days ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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