
How do I update my client profile?

Keeping your profile updated is important. Here is how you can access this information.

To edit your profile, you will need to first log in to the CORE CONNECT webapp by logging into https://app.coreconnect.com/. You will be directed to your dashboard. Click the blue Edit button.

CORE Languages How do I update my client profile?

From the Edit Profile page, you will be able to complete everything needed by our administrative team to add you to the best course for you. Let’s review each section

CORE Languages How do I update my client profile?

update the following fields

  • Title
  • First Name
  • Last Name (required)
  • Photo (used in your profile and viewable to the CORE Admin Team and your teacher. RECOMMENDED)
  • Email
  • To access the following fields, expand and complete the highlighted sections.
CORE Languages How do I update my client profile?
  • Street Address (home address or business address)
  • State
  • Zipcode/Postcode
  • City/Town
  • Country
  • Timezone (extremely important and is used to match classes with your availability)
  • Mobile (phone)
  • Telephone (main landline or business phone)
  • Select all notification types you would like to receive. (select all RECOMMENDED)
  • Date of Birth (optional)
  • Gender (optional)
  • What would you like to learn? (List the language, level and some of oyur personal goals so that we can get to know you and better prepare for your first classes or course.

Hit Submit to save your changes

Add Payment Details

  • If you are paying for classes personally, you will need to add a credit or debit card to your account. Only then can you schedule or book classes with our teachers. You will only be billed for the subscription or classes you select.
  • If a business is paying for your class, your success manager will add payment information to keep track of your PO details and billing. If you would like to take additional classes, for example extra private classes, a new PO may be needed, or you can simply add a credit card for these extra classes. Consult your success manager for more information.
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