
What should I include in my personal statement or bio to attract new students and clients?

Are you a teacher looking to attract more potential students? If so, it’s important to create a bio also referred to as your personal statement on the CORE CONNECT platform that is engaging and informative. A teacher bio is an important tool that can be shared on the CORE Languages website through articles or content you create to show potential students what you have to offer and help you to stand out from the competition. In this blog post, we will provide you with some information on the importance of writing a teacher bio, what to include and some step-by-step tips. Read on to learn more! To update your profile, log into app.coreconnect.com.

Why is it important to have a teacher bio?

Ultimately, a well-written bio can be a valuable marketing tool that helps you attract new students. A teacher bio helps potential students learn more about your qualifications and teaching experience. It can also help build trust by demonstrating your commitment to helping students achieve their academic goals.

When you work with a teacher, you want to feel confident that you are working with someone who knows their stuff. A well-written teacher bio can help give potential students this confidence by providing information about your approach to teaching. A good teacher bio should also be engaging and interesting to read. It should paint a picture of who you are as a person and teacher and why you love teaching.

What should I write in my teacher bio?

Your teacher bio or personal statement should be clear and concise. Potential students should be able to clearly understand what languages you’re qualified to teach, as well as your teaching style. It’s also important to give potential students a sense of who you are as a person. What are your interests? What kind of personality do you have? This will help them decide if they think they’ll mesh well with you as a teacher.

In the first instance, your profile should serve as a showcase for your teaching abilities. Be sure to list any relevant qualifications or experience you have as well as any particularly impressive results from past students – such as high-test scores or positive feedback.

Next, take some time to describe your teaching style and approach. Try to inject some personality into your profile! What makes you unique? What methods do you use to help students learn? Why should someone choose you over another teacher? It’s important to be friendly and personable in your profile – remember, parents, students and corporate clients are looking for a teacher they can connect with.

Teacher bio example: Step by step

With all of the above considered, it’s time to write your teacher bio! Here is a breakdown of each step.

Introduce yourself

This seems basic but you would be surprised how many teachers leave this part out! Students will be interacting and learning with you directly, so it is important that they get a sense of who you are and whether you have the potential to work well together. Out of concern for your privacy, we use your first name rather than full name until you are directly working with a student. We recommend doing the same in your bio introduction.

Describe your qualifications and experience as well as what you are looking to teach prospective students

You may want to be specific in this section if you only want to focus on one or two areas of subject matter or alternatively, list everything you have qualifications in yourself and leave it up to the student to decide what they want to learn from you.

Explain why you love teaching and what makes your classes unique.

There are lots of teachers out there so in order to stand out you need to clearly demonstrate what makes you better than your competitors. Your teaching bio is the number one place to do this!

Share a success story from past students

Word of mouth is an excellent way to attract students to your teaching business. Share positive reviews or even ask your past students to write a recommendation for your services. This will demonstrate that you are a reliable and professional teacher who can work well with others and achieve outstanding results.

Clearly list the services you offer

Do a recap towards the end of your teacher bio to make sure your target audience can clearly understand what it is you are offering. Include specific subjects, target age group, whether you offer online teaching or also in person. If parents and students are unable to find the information they want quickly and easily they may lose interest and look elsewhere.

Provide contact information

Finally, you may want to give potential students a way to contact you. CORE Languages provides a contact form so that clients can get in touch with you directly without having to list your personal contact information on the open web. If you are contacted for a class booking, make sure to follow through quickly. We recommend 24 hours or less. Communication is extremely important for successful teaching, so you want to find a solution that works for both you and your clients.

Should pricing be included in your teacher bio?

You don’t need to include prices in your teacher bio. CORE Languages sets a flat rate for all individual and package pricing. The good news is that you can update your price when you apply for any new courses that come through CORE CONNECT. CORE Languages will always offer a recommended price for bidding, but you can bid at any level you would like.

Make sure that whatever price you list in your new course application is reasonable and in line with what other teachers are charging in your area. If your rates are too high, you may scare off potential students or appear unprofessional. On the other hand, if your rates are too low, you may not be making enough money to cover your costs.

Remember that everyone is different, and each situation is unique. What one person or family might be willing or able to pay for teaching may not be what another family is willing or able to pay so try to remain flexible.

Tips for creating the best teacher bio possible

  1. Be honest – Make sure to tell the truth in your teacher bio about your own qualifications and skills. Teaching can be expensive so it is unfair and unethical to mislead students who are choosing to pay for your teaching services. If you are dishonest in your bio and students fail to learn adequately from you, this might result in you losing other clients and receiving bad reviews.
  2. Keep it short and to the point – You want to stand out from the crowd but remember that there are hundreds of teachers out there! Keep your bio concise and informative. Only include key information that will attract your students in the first instance, they can get to know you better once they have been in touch with you.
  3. Be flexible – In order to attract the most students possible try to be flexible. Being cooperative will ensure your students get the most out of your services and have a positive experience with you.
  4. Communicate! – As mentioned above, communication is key when it comes to teaching, especially if you are communicating or learning online! Establish open communication from the get-go and ensure your students have a backup way of contacting you if they need to. Consider leaving a line of communication open to your students even outside of their allocated session times in case they have any questions or require clarification on something you have taught them.
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